e-Rabat, Morocco, June 2-5, 2020



Welcome to e-PROMETHEE Days 2020


All members of the PROMETHEE Days 2020 SC and OC wish to express their support and friendship to the entire PROMETHEE Community. Let us stick together (but not too close...) during these difficult times.

The current health emergency situation made it impossible to maintain our meeting as foreseen in Rabat on June 2-4:

  • Containment and travel restrictions have continued through May and are still applicable today.
  • Even if it had been possible to travel to Rabat in June, many people would probably have preferred to recover and to avoid international travel.

We are no losers either and we decided not to cancel a meeting including 39 top-class contributions.


Instead, PROMETHEE Days 2020 turned to e-PROMETHEE Days 2020.

It took place, successfully and electronically, from June 2 to June 5.

What does it mean?

  • Organization:
    • An e-PD2020 Forum has been set up and is still available at http://forum.promethee-gaia.net
    • Phase 1: This is an electronic conference and everybody is welcome to join. Online registration to the Forum is mandatory for good moderation. All registered authors may add links to or send us material (slides, videos, documents, ...) to ensure good communication and discussion with other participants. The whole system is still available.
    • Phase 2 (June 2-5): Online electronic sessions have been organized on June 2-5, using Zoom from the UQAM (CA) campus.
    • Phase 3 (June 6 to today): Post-proceedings will be available through a PROMETHEE Days 2020 Special Issue of our Outranking & Decision (O&D) open journal.
    • The JPB PROMETHEE Award 2020 has been canceled, as no physical paper presentation was possible.
    • Instead two ( 2 ) 1000€ O&D PROMETHEE 2020 Awards will be attributed to the two best papers published in the O & D PROMETHEE Days 2020 Special Issue. Competing papers:
      • Should be associated to presentations actually presented during Phase 2 or at least uploaded to the Forum during Phase 1.
      • Should be submitted for publication to O&D by the extended September 7, 2020, submission deadline.
      • Should be related to the PROMETHEE methods.
      • Should be accepted for publication through the usual O&D review procedure.
      • Will be evaluated by the JPB PROMETHEE Award Jury.
  • Fees:
    • The registration fee has been reduced to a 35€ flat rate to cover the minimal expenses of e-PD2020.
    • Participants having already paid the initial registration fee will be reimbursed of all excess payment.
  • Important dates:
    • Post-proceedings O&D Special Issue paper submission deadline: September 7, 2020.
    • Post-proceedings O&D Special Issue paper acceptance notification: September 21, 2020.
    • O&D PROMETHEE 2020 Awards attribution: October 5, 2020.
    • The O&D PROMETHEE 2020 Awards trophies and prizes will be awarded to the winners in a special session organized during the PROMETHEE Days 2021 meeting.




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