Practical Information


  • Organizing Committee
    • Professor Jason Papathanasiou (Chair, GR)
    • Professor Bertrand Mareschal (BE)
    • ...


  • Scientific Committee
    • Prof. J.-P. Brans (BE)
    • Prof. S. Chakhar (UK)
    • Prof. Y. De Smet (BE)
    • Prof. A. Ishizaka (UK)
    • Prof. P. Kunsch (BE)
    • Prof. C. Macharis (BE)
    • Prof. B. Mareschal (BE)
    • Prof. Jason Papathanasiou (Chair, GR)
    • Prof. M. Pirlot (BE)
    • Prof. J.-Ph. Waaub (CA)


  • Important Dates
    • Submission of papers:
      • Deadline: March 16, 2018
      • Go to submission web page:
    • Early registration:
      • Deadline:
      • Go to registration web page:
    • Late registration:
      • Deadline:
      • Go to registration web page:
    • Workshop:
      • May 22-25, 2018


  • Local website



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