Montréal, Québec, Canada - PROMETHEE Days 2016

The PROMETHEE Days 2016 workshop took place in Montréal from May 2 to 4, 2016, together with the Optimization Days 2016 International Conference. It was a great opportunity to share your PROMETHEE experience with PROMETHEE Community’s fellows in one of the nicest places in North America.

Papers related to theoretical developments, comparative analyses or practical applications of the PROMETHEE methods have been presented.

The best paper presented during the workshop has been granted the « Jean-Pierre Brans PROMETHEE Award » and all participants will have the opportunity to submit full versions of their papers for a special issue of the Journal of Multicriteria Decision Aid.

The workshop information is available on-line at:



> Documents and photographs <


The next PROMETHEE Days will be announced soon. In the meantime don’t forget to visit the PROMETHEE-GAIA web site:

and to follow us on Twitter to be sure to get news and announcements:




Montréal, May 2-4


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