e-Rabat, Morocco, June 2-5, 2020



Scientific Program


The original schedule for PROMETHEE Days 2020 is available here:




It includes 39 presentations, spread over 3 days. The actual e-PROMETHEE Days 2020 schedule will spread 4 days (June 2-5) and will be updated according to technical and time constraints.


The complete e-PROMETHEE Days 2020 scientific program is now available on the conference web site at:





The program includes 39 papers from colleagues from 14 countries spread over 4 continents.

It is a wonderful and unprecedented achievement!


We have two distinguished invited speakers:


Professor Gabriela Fernandez Barberis, University San Pablo CEU, Spain

Travel with PROMETHEE

Professor Fernandez Barberis has a long-time experience applying PROMETHEE to various decision problems and is a leading expert of PROMETHEE in Spain.


Mondher Jaziri, Assistant Director, STUDI International, Tunisia

Evolution of Multicriteria decision aid tools and methods for Integrated Water Resources Management in Africa: «ELECTRE III and PROMETHEE» achievements and limits - Projects led by STUDI International

STUDI International is one of the most important engineering firms in Africa with over 600 employees.

STUDI has been using MCDA for a long time on large scale engineering and decision problems.

More recently, STUDI switched to the PROMETHEE methods as their main multicriteria decision aid tool.


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